Pictures of Prambanan Temple, Location and Ticket Prices for Prambanan Temple Yogyakarta

Location & Ticket Prices Prambanan Temple - If you hear the word Jogja or Yogyakarta, the first time you hear it there must be a range of delicious tourist and culinary places. Until now, tourism is still a favorite activity to relieve fatigue from a hectic daily routine. If you and your family want to travel while studying, in Jogja there are tourist attractions that are suitable for sightseeing while studying history, namely the tourist attraction of Prambanan Temple.

Prambanan Temple Tourism Objects

Prambanan Temple is one of many temples in Indonesia, as a masterpiece of Hindu culture from the 10th century. Prambanan Temple is located in Prambanan Regency, Yogyakarta. The temple that rises as high as 47 meters has a very beautiful and attractive architecture, so it is not surprising that many tourists from various regions and even foreign countries come to the location of Prambanan Temple to see the beauty of the Prambanan Temple.
Prambanan Temple itself has 3 temples on the main yard, namely Vishnu, Brahma and Siwa Temples. In Hinduism, the three temples are symbolized as Trimurti. Three temples face east and then each main temple has 1 companion temple, Nandini, Angsa, and Garuda. Three companion temples face west. Besides having the main temple and accompanying temples, there are also 4 temples, 2 apit temples, and 4 corner temples in Prambanan Temple. Then on the second page there are 224 temples. From a large number of temples in Prambanan Temple, Prambanan Temple is a very popular tourist attraction both in Indonesia and abroad.

Address of Prambanan Temple Location

Location of Prambanan Temple Tourism Object is located about 17 km from the center of Yogyakarta, precisely located on Jl. Raya Solo - Yogyakarta No.16, Kranggan, Bokoharjo, Prambanan, Kab. Sleman, Special Region of Yogyakarta 55571.
From the center of Yogyakarta there are many types of transportation that you can use to get to the tourist attractions of Prambanan Temple. So, if you don't use a private vehicle, don't worry because there are public vehicles that you can use to reach the tourist area of ​​Prambanan Temple such as the Trans Jogja bus with a travel time of about 1 hour from the city center.

Map of Location & Directions to Prambaban Temple

Ticket prices for Prambanan Temple

Adults: IDR 40,000
Children: IDR 20,000
Foreign tourists: $ 25
Entrance ticket prices may change at any time in accordance with the relevant tourism management policies.

Prambanan Temple Operational Hours

Prambanan Temple tourist area is opened from 06.00 am to 05.00 pm. By paying the ticket price that you have set, you will not be charged any more and can take a walk while taking as many photos as you like in the Prambanan Temple Area.

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